Working together to enhance the self-sufficiency and wellness of our communities for current and future generations.



The objective is to promote sustainable social, economic and physical development in First Nation communities by assisting, advising and training member First Na­tions in a broad range of community activities such as:

  • Formulation, planning. implementing and maintaining community development strategies;
  • Producing and/or analyzing studies, inventories, social analysis, impact assess­ments on the development and use of the community resources; and
  • Building human resource capacity. 


The purpose in technical services is to build capacity, provide economies of scale and improve the quality of life for First Nation communities by assisting, advising and training member First Nations in a broad range of technical services activities such as:

  • Planning, designing, managing, operating, and maintaining community facili­ties and infrastructure;
  • Develop five-year plans for technical services;
  • Apply policies, standards, codes and regulations for technical services;
  • Capacity building with professional associations and governments;
  • Coordinating training and development programs, staff selection and recruit­ment: and providing risk management. engineering services, special programs. Inspections for CMHC Sec 95, RRAP and commercial buildings;
  • Phase I Environmental Site Assessments.



Chris Olson, Director of Advisory & Housing Services

Doug Murray, Technical Housing Advisor

Todd Barker, Maintenance Coordinator

Kevin Oman, Fire Safety Officer

Ingrid Fortin, MIHCEMI Coordinator