SERDC focuses on the needs of our member communities. Our aim is to support our people through on and off-reserve programs and services including health services, housing and advisory services, social supports, employment and training, and student services.
We serve eight member communities consisting of Berens River First Nation, Brokenhead Ojibway Nation, Bloodvein First Nation, Black River First Nation, Hollow Water First Nation, Little Grand Rapids First Nation, Pauingassi First Nation and Poplar River First Nation.
Mission Statement
The Mission of the SERDC is to develop, coordinate and deliver programs and services to achieve the goals and aspirations of our communities as mandated by the leadership.
Value Statement
SERDC believes in a culture and environment that promotes open and honest communication. It seeks to treat the people and entities (its clientele) with dignity, respect, understanding and fairness. SERDC also strives to be accountable and transparent in fulfilling of duties and responsibilities. Towards that end, we are guided by culture guidance from our Elders.
As of February 28, 2018, the total registered population of the eight SERDC First Nation communities was 14,897. The on-reserve population numbered 9,356 while 5,537 members reside off-reserve. (Statistics obtained from Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada)
Ojibway/Saulteaux is the dominant language used in these communities however Cree is also spoken.
Land Base
The eight member communities comprise a land base of approximately 15,821.2 hectares. One of the First Nations has outstanding treaty land entitlement: Brokenhead Ojibway Nation. A majority of the eight communities are situated on the east side of Lake Winnipeg within the Precambrian Shield region of Manitoba. The reserve lands are mostly interspersed with rocky outcroppings. SERDC owns the buildings and lands at its branch office, sub-offices, the site of Southeast Collegiate and the site of the Southeast Wellness Lodge in West St. Paul.
Current Board of Directors
(Co-chair) Chief Gordon Bluesky, Brokenhead Ojibway Nation
(Co-chair) Chief Roddy Owens, Pauingassi First Nation
Chief Hartley Everett, Berens River First Nation
Chief Lisa Young, Bloodvein River First Nation
Chief Larry Barker, Hollow Water First Nation
Chief Sheldon Kent, Black River First Nation
Chief Clinton Keeper, Little Grand Rapids First Nation
Chief Darcy Bruce, Poplar River First Nation
Founding Members
- Chief Harry Cook, Bloodvein First Nation
- Chief Jim Bear, Brokenhead Ojibway Nation
- Chief James Swain, Berens River First Nation
- Chief Jim Thunder, Buffalo Point First Nation
- Chief Lawrence Morrisseau, Fort Alexander First Nation
- Chief Arnold Williams, Hollow Water First Nation
- Chief Henry Bird, Black River First Nation
- Chief John J. Leveque, Little Grand Rapids First Nation
- Chief Albert Bittern, Poplar River First Nation
- Chief Eugene Courchene, VP, Southeast Region, MIB
Treaty Affiliation:
The eight Bands of SERDC are signatories to the following treaties:
- Treaty #1 (1871) Brokenhead
- Treaty #5 (1875) Berens River, Bloodvein, Hollow Water, Black River, Little Grand Rapids, Pauingassi and Poplar River.
Political Affiliations:
AMC (Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs); SCO (Southern Chiefs’ Organization); AFN (Assembly of First Nations)
Nor-Win Construction Co. Ltd. (with ILTC winter road construction); TCIG - shareholder