Indigenous Services Canada provides funding for four social programs throughout Manitoba’s 63 First Nation Communities:
- On-reserve Income Assistance Program
- Pre-Employment Supports Program
- Assisted Living Program
- Income Assistance First Nations Youth Employment Strategy
The on-reserve Income Assistance Program assists eligible individuals and families with essential living expenses such as food, clothing, shelter, and utilities. All 63 First Nation communities administer the IA program.
The Pre-Employment Supports Program provides funding for training opportunities such as employable skills that will empower participants to transition from Income Assistance to the workforce. There are currently 16 First Nation communities that deliver the Pre-Employment Supports Program in Manitoba.
The Assisted Living program provides funding for non-medical, social support services to seniors, adults with chronic illness, and children and adults with disabilities on-reserve to help them maintain their independence.

There are three major components:
- in-home care
- adult foster care
- institutional care (for those needing personal non-medical 24-hour care)
The Income Assistance First Nation Youth Employment Strategy is a pilot initiative for the 2021-2022 fiscal year. It is a 20-week work mentorship program. Youth enrolled in the IAFNYES program were placed in their home community to complete the duration of employment weeks.
Additional info:
Manitoba First Nations Social Development: Enhancing Capacity
National Report on the 2018 to 2020 First Nations-Led Engagement on Income Assistance
Income Assistance National Program Guidelines 2019 to 2020
Assembly of First Nations Social Secretariat
Contact 204-956-7500 and ask to speak to SERDC's Social Development Advisor for more information.