There is an increasing concern around harm associated with opioid misuse and overdose in our communities causing crime, suicide and negative health outcomes.
First Nations people are twice as likely to be prescribed opioids than all other Manitobans. Members of SERDC first nations communities are four times as likely to have multiple prescriptions and the rates of substance use are three times higher than all other Manitobans. The SERDC health team decided it was time to fight back thus the fight F.I.R.E with F.I.R.E project was born.
Fully Informed Risk Education with a Foundation of Individual Recovery Experiences
A peer-led group of STAR program participants (past and present), developed, implemented, and evaluated a community overdose prevention project, focusing on removing stigma through language, widespread naloxone training and take-home kits, and the implementation of a community-based Quick Response Team (QRT) led by peers how have lived or are still living the experience.

By Renée Simcoe | March 30, 2022