The Success Through Advocacy and Role Modelling (STAR) Program offers support to prenatal and postnatal women (up to one year after birth) to support healthy pregnancies and lifestyles. This is a client-centered program that links participants with a mentor who assists them in identifying and achieving goals related to wellness. 

Mentors offer nonjudgmental three-year mentoring, advocacy, and emotional support to women who are not otherwise effectively engaged with community resources. Mentors are women from the community who have overcome similar issues that STAR clients are confronted with. Cultural safety of language, family ties, and cultural/spiritual acceptance are focal points of the program, which also aims to ensure clients are linked to appropriate services including assessments, referrals, follow-ups, plus other services that are made accessible despite the geographic barriers that SERDC communities face. 

Clients are supported to set their own goals, with encouragement given to develop a trusting relationship with available resources.



Stephanie Thomas, STAR Program Supervisor

Shannon Bushie, Advocate- Black River/Brokenhead/Hollow Water

Bernice Berens, Advocate - Bloodvein/Berens River

Lisa Owen, Advocate - Pauingassi

Leona Baptiste, Advocate - Little Grand Rapids

Vanessa Dubowits, Advocate - Brokenhead/Poplar River 

Tara Latimer, Regional Peer Support & Training Officer

Mitzi Mendoza, STAR Peer Program Facilitator